Saturday, September 15, 2007

Today (15 Sept 2007) - 15 Town Councils fined

Hot News // Weekend, September 15, 2007
15 Town Councils fined
Fifteen of the 16 Town Councils have been fined for breeding mosquitoes in the first eight months of this year – all of them repeat offenders.
.This revelation came as the National Environment Agency released the figures for the first time this year. It did not, however, name the Town Councils.
.Non-residential offenders, such as Town Councils and other public agencies, face a $200 fine for mosquito-breeding in the first three instances; further offences mean an appearance in court.
.In addition, 3,820 homes, including nine that were repeat offenders, were fined for mosquito breeding between January and August.
.Dr Yaacob Ibrahim said penalties would be stepped up if Singaporeans remained non-compliant.


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