Saturday, March 25, 2006

Filthy area/drain at Wallich Road near Wallich Bldg

Reply from Tg Pagar Town Council:

I refer to your e-mail about the filthy drain at Wallich Road near Wallich Building. We have referred the matter to the National Environment Agency( NEA ) as the drain is maintained by them. We will also checked with them next week to confirm that they have cleared the drain.

Simon Koh

General Manager

Tanjong Pagar Town Council


Sent to Tg Pagar Town Council:

The drain at subject location is filled with filth. Who is responsible for cleaning?

For your additional information, I am attaching a letter in today's Straits Times, "Sadly, Singapore is not as clean as it is said to be" (ST, 24 Mar) which highlights the present sorry state of Singapore's once-proud claim to being a "clean city". ======================================================================,5562,379937,00.html?

March 24, 2006

Sadly, Singapore is not as clean as it is said to be

I agree with the concerns about the horrendous littering in Singapore. This problem seems never to end. When I first came from Sri Lanka to Singapore nine years ago I was amazed to see how beautiful and clean Singapore's neibourhoods were. I used to write letters to my friends and even produced newspaper articles about this clean and green tiny city state. Last year when I was living in West Coast I came across litter more often on our strolls. I consoled myself that the litter was unintentionally thrown. But the problem became worse. Tissue paper, cigarette butts, drink cartons, plastic bags, etc marred the beautiful flower bushes. When we moved to the Serangoon area four months ago, I saw how things had become worse. Whether it's an HDB estate or private housing development, the situation is the same. Most of the owners or domestic helpers who bring their dogs out do not clean up after them. Just look at the mess near Nanyang Junior College's new signboard. Some schools in the area seem to close their eyes to the litter even within their premises. Spitting is another problem. Recently we saw two teenage school girls drinking fruit juices in a double decker bus and they left behind the cups where they sat. I'm sad to hear that a friend who came to the National University of Singapore to do some research say that "Singapore is not as clean as it is said to be." With a heavy heart, I said "It used to be." There's no need to be a Singaporean to love Singapore. When I was young, my parents said "love your country and also love and respect the place where you are living in." We must not always expect the country to do its part for us. We must do our duty as well. If the elders are not listening, the young must be educated about it. The authorities can organise mass cleaning drives. If the younger generation is not trained to be responsible and patriotic what will the future be?

Sagarika Rathninde (Mrs)


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