Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Choked Drain in Rotan Lane/Race Cource Road

Reply from NEA:

"Kindly refer to your e-mail dated 19 August appended below. We have reminded URA on the need to step up cleansing maintenance of the car parks and drains at Rotan Lane/Kinta Road/Chander Road area. They have since deployed their workers and thoroughly spruced up the site on 29August 2005. We are working closely with URA to ensure that drains do not breed mosquitoes . Please see the attached photos.(See attached file: closed_perimeter_drain_in_ura_carpark.jpg)(See attachedfile: cleansing_work__in-process_by_ura.jpg) We will continue to monitor the site closely. Please contact Mr Abdul Majidat HP 91003740 if you require further assistance. Thank you for the feedback."

Following sent to the NEA:

"Attention: Mr. Abdul Majid,

It was reported in the Newspaper that more than 10 cases of dengue fever occurred in Race Course Road.Yet my complaint about the Choked Drain was left untouched for more than a Mosquitoe's life cycle. See pictures attached. Kindly refer to my complaint on 18th August last week.You told me that the area is not under your jurisdiction.It belongs to URA and that you will contact URA to do something.URA has yet to do response to my complaint.Did you inform URA?I noticed that the area under your jurisdiction has been cleared.Thank you for that.The pictures is taken today,19/8/2005.It is more than enough time given for the Dengue Mosquitoes Larvae to mature into adults. Can you direct me to the right person and provide me"


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