Thursday, February 23, 2006

Damaged Drain At Langsat Road (inbetween 148 & 152)

Following sent to the NEA on 20 Feb 2006:

I refer to the badly damaged drain at the a/m address.

4 months have past.

Appreciate it if the authorities could into look into this and repair the drains.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Choked drains at Bukit Timah Road/Dunearn Road/Gilstead Road and Scotts Road - leaves at open and covered drains

21 Feb 2006

You will note the choked drains are back - even though the ENV Minister has declared the war on dengue has been won barely a week ago!

Please do not let your guards down - because the mozzies will be back in no time if the public drains are not properly maintained, as was the case last year when the menace went out of control, precisely because the guards were down.

Who maintains the drains - open or covered? Obviously, they are not doing a good job!

For open drains, everyone can see if they are choked, but for covered drains, they are not visible unless the covers are lifted, so it is very important that they be maintained regularly.

If you look at 2 of the photos attached (at Scotts Road and Dunearn Road), the open portion of the drains are filled with fallen leaves which extend all the way under the covered portion of the drains as well.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Gentle Road - stagnant water at drain near house numbers 41 & 44 Gentle Road

Sent to NEA:

13 Feb 2006

Please do the needful to clear the chokage. Thanks.

Monday, February 06, 2006

FB200601/0109 : Choked drain at PIE/Adam Road flyover to Changi Airport (7 Jan 2006)

Sent to NEA:

cc: Dr Yaacob Ibrahim - Minister for Environment

6 Feb 2006

It's been a month since I reported on the stagnant water at the subject location, but to date, I have not received any response from the NEA.

If indeed there was mosquito breeding at the site, they would have produced 3 or 4 generations by now.
